- 卓庭伍*, 2023.04, '女性復仇與母性回歸:社會寫實女星到台灣新電影的形象轉變, ' Fa 電影欣賞, pp.33-41.(*為通訊作者)
- 卓庭伍*, 2021.11, '主題正確,修剪後准演——與剪⼑共舞的台灣⿊電影, ' Fa 電影欣賞, pp.88-97.(*為通訊作者)
- 卓庭伍*, 2018.12, 'From Avengers to Desperate Wives: Women's Movement, Taiwan Pulp, and the Transformation of Female Star Images (1979-1985), ' 藝術學研究, pp.51-98.(*為通訊作者)
- 卓庭伍*, 2024.10, 'Spectacle of Violence and the Beiqing Masculine: Post-war Structure of Feeling in Taiwan Pulp, ' Remapping the Cold War in Asian Cinemas, Amsterdam University Press, pp.257-274.(*為通訊作者)
- 卓庭伍*, 2024.07, 'In the Name of Love: Screen Representations of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples (1920s-1940s), ' The Routledge Companion to Asian Cinemas, Routledge, pp.113-143.(*為通訊作者)
- 卓庭伍*, 2022.12, 'Kueimei, A Woman (1985): Female Mobility and Modern Homemaking, ' Thirty-two New Takes on Taiwan Cinema,, University of Michigan Press, pp.14-157.(*為通訊作者)
- 助理教授
- 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程
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