- 鄭怡卉*;汪家盈, 2024.01, 'Retaliation on Social Media: Elucidating the Roles of Perceived Betrayal in Forming Negative Megaphoning in Data Breach Crises, ' 資訊社會研究, Vol.46, pp.67-112.(*為通訊作者)
- I-Huei Cheng*;Seow Ting Lee, 2023.07, 'Timeliness, responsiveness and the human voice: The effects of dialogic strategies and the mediating role of perceived communication ethicality on social media relationship building, ' Public Relations Review, Vol.49, No.4, pp.102355.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2021.01, '社群公關倫理的理論與實踐, ' 傳播研究與實踐, Vol.11, No.1, pp.177-205.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2020.07, '社群媒體時代下的公關專業倫理: 探討公關倫理核心價值與挑戰, ' 傳播與社會, Vol.53, pp.91-123.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2013.07, '新聞中的「偽科學」內容分析研究, ' 新聞學研究, Vol.0, No.116, pp.47-90.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- I-Huei Cheng*;Seow Ting Lee, 2012.10, 'Strategic and Ethical Issues in Antismoking Message Development: How U.S. Public Health Campaigners Conceptualize Efficacy and Ethicality, ' International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, Vol.50, No.5, pp.238-250.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- Seow Ting Lee*;I-Huei Cheng, 2012.08, 'Ethics Management in Public Relations: Practitioner Conceptualizations of Ethical Leadership, Knowledge, Training and Compliance, ' Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Vol.27, No.2, pp.80-96.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- Seow Ting Lee;I-Huei Cheng, 2011.01, 'Characteristics and Dimensions of Ethical Leadership in Public Relations, ' Journal of Public Relations Research, Vol.23, No.1, pp.46-74.(SSCI) 參考連結
- Seow Ting Lee*;I-Huei Cheng, 2010, 'Assessing the TARES as an ethical model for antismoking ads, ' Journal of Health Communication, Vol.15, No.1, pp.55-75.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- Glenn Leshner*;I-Huei Cheng, 2009, 'The effects of frame, appeal, and outcome extremity of antismoking messages on cognitive processing, ' Health Communication, Vol.24, No.3, pp.1-9.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- Federico de Gregorio*;I-Huei Cheng, 2009, 'Does (Closer Links with) Practice Make Perfect?: A Survey of Advertising Scholars., ' International Journal of Advertising, Vol.28, No.3, pp.555-589.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- I-Huei Cheng*;Federico de Gregorio, 2008, 'Does (Linking with) Practice Make Perfect?: A Survey of Public Relations Scholars., ' Journal of Public Relations Research, pp.377-402.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Polin Pan;I-Huei Cheng, 2008, 'Image Restoration Strategies and Litigation Public Relations in the Case of the Unfinished Presidential Election in Taiwan., ' Journal of Development Communication,.
- Glenn Leshner;I-Huei Cheng, 2006, 'The Role of Spiritual Health Locus of Control in Breast Cancer Information Processing between African American and Caucasian Women., ' Integrative Medicine Insights,.
- Jae-Hwa Shih;I-Huei Cheng, 2005, 'Going Head to Head: Content Analysis of the High Profile Conflicts as Played Out in the Press., ' Public Relations Review,.(SSCI)
- Vince Benigni;I-Huei Cheng, 2004, 'The Role of Clients in the Public Relations Campaigns Course., ' Journalism and Mass Communication Educator,.
- I-Huei Cheng*;Seow Ting Lee, 2023.05, 'Perceived Ethicality and Dialogic Communication Strategies as Predictors of Organization-Public Relationships on Social Media, ' Annual Conference of International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2021.05, '社群媒體上的危機溝通, ' 數位創世紀研討會, 政大數位傳播文化行動實驗室、社團法人中華白絲帶關懷協會.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2020.05, '臉書粉絲參與品牌官方粉絲專頁之動機與社群公關內容經營策略, ' 數位創世紀研討會, 政治大學數位文化行動研究室、社團法人中華白絲帶關懷協會.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2019.11, 'Cultivating relationships with fans on Facebook: Discussing the ethical dimensions of corporate PR and marketing communication on social media, ' 永續論文集, 輔仁大學織品服裝學系 創意設計中心, pp.289-298.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2019.05, '網路社群公關怎麼做、怎麼對?:探討公關實務人員看待社群媒體與專業倫理議題的觀點。, ' 數位創世紀研討會, 中華白絲帶關懷協會.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2018.12, '探討「快時尚」與「廢時尚」的新聞框架、公關議題管理與企業永續:以H&M與Uniqlo為例, ' 永續論文集, 輔仁大學輔仁大學織品服裝學系 應用美術學系 品牌與時尚經營管理碩士學位學程, pp.101-108.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*;陳坤虎, 2018.12, '由負轉正的新取徑:探討正向心理學於未來健康傳播研究 與健康宣導實務之應用, ' 永續論文集, 輔仁大學輔仁大學織品服裝學系 應用美術學系 品牌與時尚經營管理碩士學位學程, pp.109-116.(*為通訊作者)
- Chenyi Wang*;I-Huei Cheng, 2011.03, 'College Students’ Pseudo-Science Beliefs, Scientific Literacy, and Media Literacy, ' International Science Communication Conference.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- I-Huei Cheng*;Federico de Gregorio, 2010.06, 'Views from the Field: Public Relations Industry-Academia Relationships., ' International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*;曾耀寰, 2009.11, 'Effective Science Communication: Public Perceptions and Media Representation., ' 科學傳播國際研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- I-Huei Cheng;Seow Ting Lee;Jinae Kang, 2008.11, 'Ethical Considerations for Health Messages: Assessing TARES Dimensions in Antismoking Ads., ' National Communication Association. 參考連結
- Seow Ting Lee;I-Huei Cheng;Jinae Kang, 2008.08, 'Ethical Leadership in Public Relations: Roles, Dimensions and Knowledge Transfer., ' Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- I-Huei Cheng;Seow Ting Lee;Jinae Kang, 2008.08, 'Ethics of Antismoking PSAs, ' Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. 參考連結
- Lu Zheng;I-Huei Cheng, 2007.11, 'Risk Information and Message Attributes of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertisements on Television, ' National Communication Association.
- Seonkyoung An;I-Huei Cheng, 2007.11, 'Crisis Communication Research in Public Relations Literature in 1975-2006, ' National Communication Association.
- Polin Pan;I-Huei Cheng, 2007.11, 'Using Litigation Public Relations as Image Restoration Strategy: Case of the Unfinished Presidential Election in Taiwan, ' National Communication Association.
- Lu Zheng;I-Huei Cheng;Joe Phelps, 2007.05, 'The Relationship of Product Category and Advertisers’ Origin with the Usage of Advertising Appeals: A Content Analysis of Chinese Magazine Advertisements, ' American Academy of Advertising Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference.
- I-Huei Cheng;Federico de Gregorio, 2007.05, 'Does (Stronger Links With) Practice Make Perfect?: A Survey of Public Relations Scholars’ Perspectives, ' International Communication Association.
- Federico de Gregorio;I-Huei Cheng, 2007.04, 'Does (Stronger Links With) Practice Make Perfect?: A Survey of Advertising Scholars, ' American Academy of Advertising 2007 Annual Conference,.
- Sandra Braun;I-Huei Cheng, 2007.03, 'The State and Nature of The Small-to-Mid-Sized Public Relations Firms, ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium.
- I-Huei Cheng, 2006.11, 'An Integrated Model of Smoking Information Processing: Retest and Implications, ' National Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Louise Miller;Melissa Poole;Jane Armer;Glen T. Cameron, 2006.06, 'The Influence of Mass Media and Family Communication on Teen Smoking, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng, 2005.11, 'Testing an Integrated Model of Smoking Information Processing, ' National Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glenn Leshner;Glen Cameron, 2005.05, 'Family Communication and Teen Smoking Prevention, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glen T. Cameron, 2005.05, 'Information Processing of Antismoking Information and Pro-Tobacco Messages Among Adults and Children, ' International Communication Association.
- Glenn Leshner;I-Huei Cheng, 2005.05, 'The Role of Spirituality in Breast Cancer Information Processing between African American and Caucasian Women, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Maria Len-Rios;Glen T. Cameron, 2004.11, 'Assessing A Public Health Information Campaign on Youth Health: A Survey on Opinion Leaders, ' National Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glen T. Cameron, 2004.11, 'Smokers and Nonsmokers Think Aloud: Analysis of the Cognitive and Affective Responses to Antismoking Messages by Smoking Status and Message Frames, ' National Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Esther Thorson, 2004.11, 'After the Calls for a Public Health Perspective: An Examination of the Health News Reporting in the Minneapolis Star Tribune., ' National Communication Association.
- Charlene A. Caburmay;Douglas Luke;Glen T. Cameron;Jon Stemmle;I-Huei Cheng;Elisia Cohen, 2004.11, 'A Content Analysis of Cancer Coverage in a National Sample, ' National Communication Association.
- Yan Jin;I-Huei Cheng;Anca Micu, 2004.05, 'Ready for the Rainy Day: A Case Study of Labeling Issue Management in Cosmetic Industry, ' Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glenn Leshner, 2004.05, 'The Influence of Frame, Appeal, and Arousal of Antismoking Ads on Attitude, Perceived Effectiveness, and Third Person Perceptions, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Esther Thorson, 2004.05, 'Reporting Health and Crime from a Public Health Perspective: Changes in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune Coverage of Health 1982 – 2001, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Esther Thorson;Michael Antecol, 2004.05, 'War Attitudes and Interest During and Before the Iraq War: A Comparison of Broadcast, Print, and Interactive News Dependence, ' International Communication Association.
- Jae-Hwa Shih;Jin Yan;I-Huei Cheng;Glen T. Cameron, 2003.11, 'Exploring the Contingency of Conflict Management in Organization-Public Conflicts, ' National Communication Association Conference.
- Vince Benigni;I-Huei Cheng;Glen T. Cameron, 2003.08, 'The Role of Clients in the Public Relations Campaigns Course, ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glenn Leshner, 2003.05, 'The Effects of Frame, Appeal, and Arousal of Antismoking Messages on Attention and Memory., ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Glenn Leshner, 2003.05, 'Young Smokers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses to Gain-framed and Loss-framed Antismoking Messages: A Think Aloud Protocol Study, ' Young Smokers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses to Gain-framed and Loss-framed Antismoking Messages: A Think Aloud Protocol Study.
- Jae-Hwa Shih;I-Huei Cheng, 2003.05, 'Tracking Messy Organization-Public Conflicts: Exploring the Natural History of Conflict Management through the News Coverage of Unfolding Cases, ' International Communication Association.
- Jae-Hwa Shih;I-Huei Cheng, 2003.05, 'Going Head to Head: Content Analysis of the High Profile Conflicts as Played Out in the Press, ' International Communication Association.
- I-Huei Cheng;Milissa J. Poole;Fritz Cropp, 2003.03, 'Anti-Smoking Messages Targeting Youth: How Do College Students Process Gain-Framed and Loss-Framed Messages?, ' European Communication Association.
- Maria Len-Rios;I-Huei Cheng, 2002.08, 'The Sequence of Fluctuations in Information Processing During Web Site Use, ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- Qiping Hu;I-Huei Cheng, 2002.07, 'Chinese Portal Users: A Think-Aloud Protocol Analysis, ' International Communication Association.
- 鄭怡卉*, 2019.11, 'Cultivating relationships with fans on Facebook: Discussing the ethical dimensions of corporate PR and marketing communication on social media, ' 2019 橘色善念國際研討論永續論文集, 輔仁大學織品服裝學院, pp.289-298.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*;陳坤虎, 2018.12, '由負轉正的新取徑:探討正向心理學於未來健康傳播研究與健康宣導實務之應用, ' 2018橘色善念國際研討論永續論文集, 輔仁大學應用美術系, pp.109-116.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2018.12, '探討「快時尚」與「廢時尚」的新聞框架、公關議題管理與企業永續:以H&M與Uniqlo為例, ' 2018橘色善念國際研討論永續論文集, 輔仁大學應用美術系, pp.101-108.(*為通訊作者)
- I-Huei Cheng;Milissa J. Poole, 2013.08, 'Antismoking Messages Targeting Youth: How College Students Process Gain- and Loss-Framed Information, ' Campaigning for Health. Case Studies on Public Health Communication and Promotion, Pabst Science Publishers, pp.107-132.
- Seonkyoung An;I-Huei Cheng, 2010.01, 'Crisis Communication Research in Public Relations Journals: Tracking Research Trends over Thirty Years, ' The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Blackwell Publishing, Inc., pp.65-90. 參考連結
- I-Huei Cheng, 2007, 'Media Advocacy, ' Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media, Sage Publications. 參考連結
- 鄭怡卉*, 2009.01, '危機傳播與溝通, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭怡卉*, 2007.08, 'Book review: Public relations theory II. 期待百家爭鳴的公關理論: 談 Public Relations Theory II., '.(*為通訊作者)
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 113
- 從公共關係探討人工智慧科技對企業與利益關係人溝通的影響(2/2)
- 鄭怡卉
- 計畫主持人
- 2025年08月~2026年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 113
- 從公共關係探討人工智慧科技對企業與利益關係人溝通的影響(1/2)
- 鄭怡卉
- 計畫主持人
- 2024年08月~2026年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 112
- 探討人工智慧應用的道德挑戰與公關在企業中的倫理顧問角色
- 鄭怡卉
- 計畫主持人
- 2023年08月~2025年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 100
- 公關從業人員的新挑戰:網路新媒體的應用與專業倫理之考量(2/2)
- 鄭怡卉
- 計畫主持人
- 2012年08月~2014年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 100
- 公關從業人員的新挑戰:網路新媒體的應用與專業倫理之考量(1/2)
- 鄭怡卉
- 計畫主持人
- 2011年08月~2012年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 97
- 公眾對於科技的理解及參與:從訊息產製到閱聽眾接收-有效的科技傳播:公眾認知與媒體呈現(3/3)
- 鄭怡卉,曾耀寰
- 計畫主持人
- 2010年12月~2011年12月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 97
- 公眾對於科技的理解及參與:從訊息產製到閱聽眾接收-有效的科技傳播:公眾認知與媒體呈現(2/3)
- 鄭怡卉,曾耀寰
- 計畫主持人
- 2009年12月~2010年11月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 97
- 公眾對於科技的理解及參與:從訊息產製到閱聽眾接收-有效的科技傳播:公眾認知與媒體呈現(1/3)
- 鄭怡卉,曾耀寰
- 計畫主持人
- 2008年12月~2011年12月
- 國科會
- 112
- Page/John Legacy Scholar
- Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication at Pennsylvania State University
- 97
- Fellow, Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations
- University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
- 95
- Page/John Legacy Scholar
- Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication at Pennsylvania State University
- 台灣,中華民國 /國立政治大學
- 廣播電視學系
- 學士
- 助理教授
- 廣告學系
- 2008年08月 ~ 2013年08月
- 副教授
- 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程
- 2024年02月 ~
- 學程主任
- 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程
- 2021年08月 ~ 2022年07月