康庭瑜, 2018.06, 'New media, expectant motherhood, and transnational families: power and resistance in birth tourism from Taiwan to the United States, ' Media, Culture & Society (SSCI Impact Factor: 2.000), Vol.40, No.7, pp.1070-1085.(SSCI)
康庭瑜, 2017.09, 'Diasporic sociality online: a rising ICT-dependent networking culture and its work-life boundaries, ' Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, Vol.11, No.2, pp.230-249.
康庭瑜, 2017.01, 'Bricolage in the urban cultural sector: the case of Bradford City of Film, ' Entrepreneurship & Regional Development (SSCI Impact Factor: 2.885), Vol.29, No.3, pp.340-356.(SSCI)
康庭瑜, 2016.11, 'The digitization of diaspora engagement: managing extraterritorial talent using the internet, ' Global (SSCI Impact Factor: 1.929), Vol.17, No.4, pp.537-553.(SSCI)
Tingyu Kang*, 2012.04, 'Gendered media, changing intimacy: internet-mediated transnational communication in the family sphere, ' Media, Culture & Society, Vol.34, No.2, pp.146-161.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
Kang, Tingyu*, 2011.11, 'Online spatialisation and embodied experiences: the London-based Chinese professionals, ' Journal of Intercultural Studies, Vol.32, No.5, pp.465-477.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
Kang, Tingyu*, 2009.04, 'Homeland re-territorialized: revisiting the role of geographical places in the formation of diasporic identity in the digital age, ' Information, Communication & Society, Vol.12, No.3, pp.326-343.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
康庭瑜, 2017.11, '“Good sex, bad sex”: Self-sexualization, slut shaming, and the boundary making practices on social media, ' U of Tokyo, National Seoul U, National Chengchi U Annual Conference, U of Tokyo.
康庭瑜, 2017.09, 'Transnational communication in polymedia environments: Taiwanese families in California, ' ICA, ICA.
康庭瑜, 2017.08, 'Transnationality and the City:visualizing the Everydayness of Taiwanese Transnationals in LA, ' Visual Methods, Visual Methods.
康庭瑜, 2017.08, 'Diaspora engagement online:communication technologies, governments and their skilled emigrants, ' European Sociological Association, ESA.
康庭瑜, 2016.07, 'Bricolage in the urban cultural sector: The case of Bradford City of Film, ' EGOS 2016, EGOS.
康庭瑜, 2016.07, 'Uses of new media in birth tourism: The case of Taiwanese expectant mothers in the United States, ' IAMCR 2016, IAMCR.
康庭瑜, 2016.06, 'The spatial limitation of online content regulation:How jurisdictional judgments envisage the internet, ' 2016 ITS, ITS.
康庭瑜, 2015.08, 'Policing reproductive bodies: the moral panics and border management of “birth tourism” in the US, ' 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, European Sociological Association.
康庭瑜, 2014.08, 'Birth tourism: gendered bodies, reproductive labour and border management, '.
Tingyu Kang*, 2014.08, 'Transnationalism and reproductive bodies: a gender perspective, ' RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Royal Geographical Society.(*為通訊作者)
Kang, Tingyu*, 2013.07, 'The changing geography of digital governance, ' EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Kang, Tingyu*, 2012.07, 'Network sociality and work-life boundary: the perspective of ethnic minority studies, ' EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies.(*為通訊作者)
Kang, Tingyu*, 2010.04, 'On methodology: towards a geographically-grounded approach to internet research, ' British Sociological Association Annual Conference, British Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
Kang, Tingyu*, 2008.10, 'Re-territorializing homeland: identity and internet use among Chinese migrants in London, ' Internet Research 9.0, Internet Research.(*為通訊作者)
康庭瑜, 2020.01, 'Visualizing Birth Tourism on Social Media: Taiwanese Expectant Mothers in the United States, ' Mobile media and Asian social intimacies, Springer, pp.115-132.
Tingyu Kang, 2018.09, 'Distant husbands, masculine helpers: men, masculinity, and sexuality in the family strategy of flexible citizenship, ' “The Cosmopolitan Dream: Transnational Chinese Masculinities in a Global Age, Hong Kong University Press, pp.200-217.