- Jhih-Syuan Lin*, 2024.10, 'Examining the interplay of chatbot interactivity and anthropomorphic design for enhancing brand relationships in service businesses, ' International Journal of Advertising, pp.1-32.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Dongjae Lim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2023.07, 'The effect of self-monitoring and endorser attractiveness on online video advertising responses, ' International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising,.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Linwan Wu, 2023.03, 'Examining the psychological process of developing consumer-brand relationships through strategic use of social media brand chatbots, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.140, pp.107488.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jai-Dai Lu;Jhih-Syuan Lin*, 2022.05, 'Exploring uses and gratifications and psychological outcomes of engagement with Instagram Stories, ' Computers in Human Behavior Reports, Vol.6, pp.1-11.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*, 2022.03, 'Cross-Cutting Exposure, Perceived Realism, and Online Political Engagement in the Age of Algorithms, ' Asian Journal of Communication, Vol.32, No.2, pp.131-151.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yan Shan, 2021.11, 'Influencer marketing in China: The roles of parasocial identification, consumer engagement, and inferences of manipulative intent, ' Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.20, No.6, pp.1436-1448.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Dongjae Lim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Un Chae Chung;Youngjee Ko, 2021.11, 'The role of construal fit in threat appeal to persuade young drivers not to text while driving, ' Journal of Social Marketing, Vol.11, No.4, pp.406-423.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2021.09, 'Revisiting the effects of anthropomorphism on brand relationship outcomes: The moderating role of psychological disposition, ' European Journal of Marketing, Vol.55, No.8, pp.2174-2200.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Hsuan-Ting Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2021.04, 'Cross-cutting and like-minded discussion on social media: The moderating role of issue importance in the (de)mobilizing effect of political discussion on political participation, ' Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol.65, No.1, pp.135-156.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Yan Shan;Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2020.06, 'When social media influencers endorse brands: The effects of self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motive, ' International Journal of Advertising, Vol.39, No.5, pp.590-610.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Itai Himelboim, 2019.03, 'Political brand communities as social network clusters: winning and trailing candidates in the GOP 2016 primary elections, ' Journal of Political Marketing, Vol.18, No.1-2, pp.119-147.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Joe Phua;Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Dong Jae Lim, 2018.07, 'Understanding consumer engagement with celebrity-endorsed e-cigarette advertising on Instagram, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.84, pp.93-102.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin;Kuan-Ju Chen;Yongjun Sung*, 2018.01, 'Understanding the nature, uses and gratifications of social television: Implications for developing viewer engagement and network loyalty, ' Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol.62, No.1, pp.1-20.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yen-I Lee;Yan Jin;Bob Gilbreath, 2017.10, 'Personality traits, motivations, and emotional consequences of social media usage, ' Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Vol.20, No.10, pp.615-623.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Yan Jin*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Bob Gilbreath;Yen-I Lee, 2017.02, 'Motivations, consumption emotions, and temporal orientations in social media use: A strategic approach to engaging stakeholders across platforms, ' International Journal of Strategic Communication, Vol.11, pp.115-132.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yongjun Sung*;Kuan-Ju Chen, 2016.05, 'Social television: Examining the antecedents and consequences of connected TV viewing, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.58, pp.171-178.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Jung Hwa Choi;Jung Min Hahm, 2015.09, 'Would you be my friend? An examination of global marketers’ brand personification strategies in social media, ' Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.15, No.2, pp.97-110.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jooyoung Kim;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2015.03, 'The effects of affective and cognitive elaborations from Facebook posts on consumer attitude formation, ' Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.14, No.3, pp.208-218.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yongjun Sung, 2014.01, 'Nothing can tear us apart: The effect of brand identity fusion in consumer-brand relationships, ' Psychology & Marketing, Vol.31, No.1, pp.54-69.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Shu-Chuan Chu*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2013.01, 'Consumers’ perception of corporate social responsibility in the United States and China: A study of female cosmetics consumers., ' International Journal of Strategic Communication, Vol.7, No.1, pp.43-64.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Eunice Kim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yongjun Sung, 2013, 'To app or not to app: Engaging consumers via branded mobile apps, ' Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.13, No.1, pp.53-65.(*為通訊作者)
- Yongjun Sung*;Sejung Marina Choi;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2012.11, 'The interplay of culture and situational cues in brand evaluations, ' International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol.36, No.6, pp.696-701.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Shu-Chuan Chu*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2012, 'Do Chinese consumers care about corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Implications for cosmetic advertising strategies in China, ' Asian Journal of Business Research, Vol.2, No.1, pp.62-84.(*為通訊作者)
- Vincent Cicchirillo*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2011.09, 'Stop playing with your food! A comparison of for-profit and non-profit food related advergames, ' Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.51, No.3, pp.484-498.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Yongjun Sung*;Jangho Moon;Mihyun Kang;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2011, 'Actual self vs. avatar self: The effects of social contexts on self-expression, ' Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Vol.4, No.1, pp.4-21.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Jorge F. Peña, 2011, 'Are you following me? A content analysis of TV networks’ brand communication on Twitter, ' Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.12, No.1, pp.17-29.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Chang-Hoan Cho, 2010.05, 'Antecedents and consequences of cross-media usage: A study of a TV program’s official website, ' Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Vol.54, No.2, pp.316-336.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Jhih-Syuan*;Itai Himelboim, 2024.06, 'A Social Networks Approach to Understanding YouTubers: The Case of Government-Sponsored Videos in Taiwan, ' INSNA Sunbelt 2024, International Network for Social Network Analysis.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Jhih-Syuan*, 2024.01, 'Examining the Impact of Chatbot Technologies on Consumer-Brand Relationship Building, ' 2024年大中華訪問學者研討會, 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Jhih-Syuan*, 2023.07, 'Unfolding the Relationship-Building Potential of Brand Chatbots for Service Businesses, ' 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Jhih-Syuan*, 2021.06, 'The effect of communication apprehension on individual's engagement with influencer communication, ' 2021 Chinese Communication Society Annual Conference, Chinese Communication Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Jia-Dai Lu*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2020.05, 'Decoding the popularity of Instagram Stories: Examining the antecedents and consequences of engagement with Instagram Stories, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Chen, Hsuan-Ting*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2019.10, 'How does political discussion on social media (de)mobilize political participation? The role of cross-cutting and like-minded discussion, political ambivalence and issue importance, ' 2019 TIGCR International Conference, TIGCR.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*, 2019.10, 'Revisiting the effect of exposure to heterogeneous perspectives on political participation: The moderating role of approval for algorithmic curation, ' 2019 TIGCR International Conference, TIGCR.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yan Shan, 2019.05, 'Influencer Marketing in China: Examining the Psychological Mechanism of Processing Branded Content in Social Media, ' European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, European Marketing Academy.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃毓超*;林芝璇, 2019.01, '公領域的私語化:臺灣社群媒體新聞專頁分析, ' 香港中文大學第十二屆傳播學訪問學者計劃之社交媒體與公私界限工作坊, 香港中文大學.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Kuan-Ju Chen, 2018.07, 'Examining the antecedent and consequences of consumer engagement with visual branded content on Pinterest, ' 2018 Global Marketing Conference, GMC.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yan Shan, 2018.04, 'Influencer marketing in China: examining the effects of parasocial identification, engagement, and inferences of manipulative intent on self-esteem., ' 2018 International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) Conference, European Advertising Academy.(*為通訊作者)
- Taemin Kim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Hyejin Kim, 2018.03, 'The effects of cause proximity and message strategy on attitude toward cause-related advertising: The mediating role of advertising believability, ' Proceedings of the 2018 American Academy of Advertising Conference, American Academy of Advertising, pp.40.(*為通訊作者)
- Yan Shan*;Kuan-Ju Chen;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2018.03, 'When social media influencers endorse brands: The effects of self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motives, ' Proceedings of the 2018 American Academy of Advertising Conference, American Academy of Advertising, pp.133-145.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Itai Himelboim, 2017, 'Understanding Political Brand Communities from a Social Network Perspective: A study of the GOP 2017 Primary Elections., ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.(*為通訊作者)
- Joe Phua*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Dong Jae Lim, 2017, 'Examining E-cigarette Advertising through Social Media: Effects of Consumer-Celebrity Risk-Oriented Image Congruence and Parasocial Identification on Ad Attitude, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, and E-Cigarette Smoking Intentions., ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.(*為通訊作者)
- Dong Jae Lim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2017, 'The role of matching mindset and social distance in anti-texting while driving advertising., ' American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, American Academy of Advertising.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Jooyoung Kim;Juan Meng;Hanyoung Kim, 2017, 'Consumer responses toward cosmeceutical advertising: Roles of regulatory fit and implications for skin cancer prevention., ' 2017 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.46.(*為通訊作者)
- Dong Jae Lim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Un Chae Chung, 2017, 'The role of matching construal level and social distance in young drivers’ changes of attitude and behavior toward texting while driving., ' 2017 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.71.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Kuan-Ju Chen, 2017, 'Understanding the effect of social television on TV branding: A uses and gratifications perspective., ' Chinese Communication Society, Chinese Communication Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Taemin Kim*;Hyejin Kim;Yunhwan Kim;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2016, 'What makes brands' postings more viral: A predictive model of eWOM for brand communications on SNSs, ' International Communication Association, International Communication Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Jung-Ah Lee*;Yongjin Sung;Sejung Marina Choi;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2016, 'Consumer investment in brand relationships: Scale development and validation, ' 2016 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.143.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Kuan-Ju Chen;Yongjun Sung, 2015, 'How Pinteresting! Exploring global brands' visual brand identity strategies, ' Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, Association for Consumer Research.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yongjun Sung;Kuan-Ju Chen, 2015, 'Stay or leave: Examining the effect of brand identity fusion on consumers' responses to brand transgressions, ' Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, Association for Consumer Research.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2015, 'Brand personification: An examination of the antecedents and consequences of consumer anthropomorphism, ' Chinese Communication Society, Chinese Communication Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Bob Gilbreath*;Yan Jin;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2015, 'Motivations and choices for information seeking and sharing on different social media platforms: A comparison of Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook, ' Corporate Communication International Conference on Corporate Communication, Corporate Communication International.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2014, 'An empirical examination of viewers’ TV show commitment and social TV uses in TV show-viewer relationships, ' Chinese Communication Society, Chinese Communication Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*, 2014, 'Teaching digital analytics in advertising classes. Presented on panel “Digital Analytics and the Academic World: What Collaboration Can Do to Better Our Curricula and Advance the Industry", ' 2014 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.106-108.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jooyoung Kim;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2014, 'Exploring source effects of Facebook posts: The importance of affective and cognitive elaborations in attitude formation, ' 2014 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.149.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yongjun Sung, 2013, 'Nothing’s gonna change my love for you: The effect of brand identity fusion, ' 2013 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.148.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yongjun Sung;William B. Swann, Jr., 2013, 'When two become one: Examining the effect of brand identity fusion in consumer-brand relationships, ' 2013 Proceedings, Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.8.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Kuan-Ju Chen;Yongjun Sung, 2013, 'Forgiving brand failures: The role of brand relationship commitment, ' Frontiers in Service Conference, College of Management at the National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者)
- Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2013, 'Would you be my friend? Use of brand personification on Facebook for consumer-brand relationships, ' 2012 AAA Globl Conference Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.79.(*為通訊作者)
- Eunice Kim*;Jhih-Syuan Lin;Yongjun Sung, 2012, 'To app or not to app: Engaging consumers via branded mobile apps, ' 2012 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.172.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Jorge F. Peña, 2011, 'Are you following me? A content analysis of TV networks’ corporate messages on Twitter, ' Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Yongjun Sung, 2011, 'Role of TV program commitment in the digital era, ' 2011 Proceedings, Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.463-465.(*為通訊作者)
- Shu-Chuan Chu*;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2011, 'Do Chinese consumers care about corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Implications for cosmetic advertising strategies in China, ' 2011 Global Conference Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.2-5.(*為通訊作者)
- Yongjun Sung*;Sejung Marina Choi;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2011, 'The interplay of culture and situational cues in brand evaluations, ' American Psychological Association conference, American Psychological Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Yongjun Sung*;Jangho Moon;Mihyun Kang;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2011, 'The effect of online social context on self-expression, ' 2011 Proceedings, Society for Consumer Psychology, pp.489-491.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Hyojin Kim, 2010, 'Measuring levels of interactivity across teen-health, ' Association for Marketing & Health Care Research, Association for Marketing & Health Care Research.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Vincent Cicchirillo, 2010, 'Eating is fun: A content analysis of food related interactive games, ' Association for Marketing & Health Care Research, Association for Marketing & Health Care Research.(*為通訊作者)
- Neal M. Burns*;Greg Nuyens;Jhih-Syuan Lin, 2010, 'Teaching in a 3-D, immersive virtual environment, ' Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation.(*為通訊作者)
- Jhih-Syuan Lin*;Chang-Hoan Cho, 2009, 'Antecedents and consequences of cross-media usage: A study of a TV program’s official website, ' 2009 Proceedings, American Academy of Advertising, pp.133-134.(*為通訊作者)
- 林芝璇*, 2024.01, 'Z 世代的流量密碼:青少年的網路影音使用及參與行為, ' 傳播潮什麼: 臺灣傳播行為變遷與理論對話. 青少年篇, 中研院人社中心, pp.122-163.(*為通訊作者)
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 113
- 檢驗不同人工智慧工具於合成式廣告之應用與效果:以社會永續廣告為例(2/2)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2025年08月~2026年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 113
- 檢驗不同人工智慧工具於合成式廣告之應用與效果:以社會永續廣告為例(1/2)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2024年08月~2026年07月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 110
- 政府公部門運用影響力行銷的現況與效果之研究(3/3)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2023年08月~2024年10月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 110
- 政府公部門運用影響力行銷的現況與效果之研究(2/3)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2022年08月~2024年10月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 110
- 政府公部門運用影響力行銷的現況與效果之研究(1/3)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2021年08月~2024年10月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 108
- 從消費者品牌關係觀點探究社群聊天機器人的應用與影響(2/2)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2020年08月~2021年10月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 108
- 從消費者品牌關係觀點探究社群聊天機器人的應用與影響(1/2)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2019年08月~2021年10月
- 國科會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 108
- Social Media Use and Deliberative and Participatory Engagement: A Comparative Study of University Students in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China.(台灣區子計畫名稱:台灣大學生社交媒體使用與公共事務參與研究)
- 林芝璇
- 計畫主持人
- 2019年03月~2020年06月
- 香港中文大學
- 110
- 科技部「2030跨世代年輕學者方案」──優秀年輕學者研究計畫
- 科技部
- 104
- Outstanding Teaching Award 2015-2016
- University of Georgia
- 103
- Lilly Teaching Fellows 2014-2016
- University of Georgia
- 美國 /美國德州大學奧斯汀分校
- 穆迪傳媒學院,斯坦理查茲廣告與公共關係學院
- 博士
- 美國 /美國佛羅里達大學
- 新聞傳播學院廣告系
- 碩士
- 副教授
- 傳播學院
- 2017年08月 ~ 2023年02月
- 副國合長
- 國際合作事務處
- 2024年08月 ~ 2025年07月
- 組長
- 國際合作事務處合作交流組
- 2024年08月 ~ 2025年07月
- 副執行長
- 雙語及多元文化推動辦公室
- 2024年08月 ~ 2025年07月
- 副執行長
- 雙語及多元文化推動辦公室
- 2023年11月 ~ 2024年07月
- 副國合長
- 國際合作事務處
- 2023年08月 ~ 2024年07月
- 組長
- 國際合作事務處合作交流組
- 2023年08月 ~ 2024年07月
- 教授
- 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程
- 2023年02月 ~
- 副國合長
- 國際合作事務處
- 2022年08月 ~ 2023年07月
- 組長
- 國際合作事務處合作交流組
- 2022年08月 ~ 2023年07月
- 學程主任
- 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程
- 2019年08月 ~ 2020年07月
- Journal of Advertising
- Editorial Review Board
- 政治大學
- 2023年01月 ~
- Chinese Journal of Communication
- Editorial Advisory Board
- 政治大學
- 2023年01月 ~
- American Academy of Advertising
- Communication Commit
- 2023年 月 ~
- Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
- Editorial Review Board
- 政治大學
- 2019年02月 ~
- American Academy of Advertising
- GMC Committee
- 2018年 月 ~ 2018年 月
- International Journal of Advertising
- Editorial Review Board
- 政治大學
- 2016年01月 ~
- Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Editorial Review Board
- 政治大學
- 2015年11月 ~
- American Academy of Advertising
- Membership Committee
- 2014年 月 ~ 2017年 月
- American Academy of Advertising
- IAE Committee
- 2013年 月 ~ 2013年 月
- 美國喬治亞大學
- 助理教授
- 廣告與公關學系
- 2012年08月 ~ 2017年07月