林怡潔*, 2022.01, 'Establishing legitimacy through the media and combating fake news on COVID-19: A case study of Taiwan, ' Chinese Journal of Communication, Vol.15, No.2, pp.250-270.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Yi-Chieh Lin*;Theore Bestor, 2020.09, 'Glocalizing tuna culture: food festival, rural development, and returning youth in Donggang, Taiwan, ' Journal of Rural Studies, Vol.79, pp.373-381.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2020.02, 'Commentary on 'Monsters Created by Capitalism: An Exploratory Study of Concurrent Dualities on Internet Broadcasting Website Afreeca TV., ' Korean Anthropology Review, Vol.4, pp.145-147.(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2019.11, 'Sustainable Food, Ethical Consumption and Digital Activism: Insights from Slow Food and “Low Carbon Food” Movements in Taiwan, ' Food, Culture and Society, Vol.23, No.2, pp.155-172.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2024.06, 'Cultural representations of dementia in Japanese and Taiwanese Cinema: An analysis of clinical portrayals and care perspectives, ' Taiwan Society for Medical Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology.(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*;梁譽昭, 2018.12, 'Digital Food Porn on Instagram in Hong Kong and Taiwan: Body, Autonomy and Digital Femininity., ' InterAsia Connection IV, Social Science Research Council, USA.(*為通訊作者)
Yi-Chieh Lin*;Theodore Bestor, 2018.08, 'Sustainability, Food Heritage and Local Tourism: The Case Study of Tuna Industry in Taiwan, ' International workshop, Dept of Anthropology, Harvard University.(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2018.06, 'The End of Anti-Aging Industry? An Examination of Gender and Age Relations in Anti-Aging Ads in Chinese, ' International Visual Sociology Conference, UNIVERSITY OF PARIS-SACLAY – UNIVERSITY OF EVRY.(*為通訊作者)
Yi-Chieh Lin (Jessica)*, 2018.05, 'Revisiting narratives of sustainable food practices in Taipei: local food, habitus and challenges, ' International APSafe Conference in collaboration with Eursafe: Climate Change and Food: Challenges for the Future, 台灣大學.(*為通訊作者)
Yi-Chieh Lin (Jessica)*;Theodore Bestor, 2018, 'Glocalizing ‘tuna’ culture: the role of Japan in the culinary tourism in Donggang, Taiwa, ' International workshop, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University.(*為通訊作者)
Yi-Chieh Lin*, 2018, 'Resolving the Stakeholder’s Perception of Sustainable Food in Taiwan: Government’s Low Carbon Food Campaigns vs. Digital Activism of NGOs, ' Transecting “Healthy” and “Sustainable” Food in the Asia Pacific Workshop, NUS-Yale College.(*為通訊作者)
Bonni Leung;Yi-Chieh Lin林怡潔*, 2021.01, 'Camera Eats First: The Role of Influencers in Hong Kong's Foodie Instagram Culture, ' Food Instagram: Identity, Influence and Negotiation, University of Illinois Press, pp.132-147.(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2014.12, 'From Rice Bombs to Wedding Gifts: The Cultural Changes of Rice Heritage in Taiwan, ' Rethinking Asian Food Heritage, FCDC, pp.51-74.(*為通訊作者)
林怡潔*, 2014.03, 'After Piracy: Reflections of Industrial Designers in Taiwan on Sustainable Innovation, ' Piracy: Leakages from Modernity, Litwin, pp.307-322.(*為通訊作者)