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台英學術交流系列活動 -- 媒體與日常生活中的氣候變遷

 ‘Climate Change in the Media and in Everyday Life: A UK-Taiwan Comparative Study about Energy Use and Its Media Representation
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Gordon Walker, Rosie Day, Sumei Wang, Allison Hui, Neil Simcock


11月19 13.30-16.00(行政大樓第二會議室)


News report 相關報導 :DEMAND學者與傳院研究生對談 – 跨國學術的想像


11月20 12.10-14.00 (大勇401)


Professor Gordon Walker ‘Climate change and the dynamics of energy demand: why it matters what energy is used for

News report 相關報導 : Gordon教授專題演說 – 氣候變遷與動態能源需求


11月21 學術工作坊 9.00-16.00 (傳院431)


  • Professor Gordon Walker (The DEMAND Centre, Lancaster University, UK)
  • Dr. Rosie Day (The DEMAND Centre, University of Birmingham, UK)
  • Dr. Allison Hui (The DEMAND Centre, Lancaster University, UK)
  • Dr. Neil Simock (The DEMAND Centre, Lancaster University, UK)
  • 政大新聞系徐美苓教授 Professor Mei-Ling Hsu (Department of Journalism, NCCU, TW)
  • 政大新聞系王淑美助理教授 Dr. Sumei Wang (Department of Journalism, NCCU, TW)
  • 政大國際傳播學位學程施琮仁助理教授 Dr. Tung-jen Shih (IMICS, NCCU, TW)
  • 文化大學新聞系郭文平助理教授 Dr. Win-ping Kuo (Department of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, TW)

Professor Gordon Walker presentation - Should there be a ‘right to energy’: if so in what terms?

Dr Rosie Day presentation - Fuel poverty and energy affordability in the UK and beyond

Dr Neil Simcock presentation -  Exploring discourses of 'necessary' energy use in the UK media: implications for demand-side policy and governance

Dr Allison Hui presentation -  Tracing networks and practices: Electric vehicles in discourse and use

Dr Sumei Wang presentation -  Green Practices are Gendered: an investigation of sustainable consumption policies in Taiwan

Professor Mei-Ling Hsu presentation - Representing Alternative/Renewable Energy in Taiwanese Media: News Content Analysis and Its Challenges

Dr Win-ping Kuo presentation - Media construction of water crisis in the context of climate change – a corpus assisted approach

Dr. Tung-jen Shih presentation - The role of new media in communicating science

News report 相關報導政大傳院與DEMAND 聯合學術工作坊


政大傳播學院與英國蘭開司特大學、能源消費研究中心的合作計畫  DEMAND Centre
英國Demand報導連接:Workshop: Climate Change in the Media and in Everyday Life: A UK-Taiwan Comparison of Energy Use and Its Media Representation

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